CARING FOR YOURSELF yourself again. No matter how you gave healthy diet. In either case, meals and snacks “Can the food I eat upset my baby?” Getting enough rest. In the early days birth, though, spend at least the first 2 weeks should be as nutritious as possible. Try to The food you eat must first be digested and after having a baby, it is essential that you try at home getting to know your baby and choose a variety of foods from all the absorbed by your body before any substances to get enough sleep. Rest is important for getting breastfeeding off to a good start. food groups. are passed into your milk. This usually takes staying healthy and feeling good—keys to Increase your level of activity gradually, If your diet is poor, 2–6 hours. If you eat dinner at 6:00 pm and successful breastfeeding. Besides lack of using the amount of vaginal bleeding you are it is you who will during, or not long after, a 10:00 pm feeding sleep common to late pregnancy and the having as an indication of whether you are suffer, not your your baby draws up their knees and screams, energy you used in labor and giving birth, doing too much. Do not plan any outings baby. Continue think about what you ate for dinner. your nighttime sleep will be interrupted by more strenuous than a visit to the health taking prenatal baby’s need for frequent feedings. Nothing The only way to be absolutely sure which will bolster your ability to cope during this care professional’s office. Have friends come vitamins if they are food is to blame is to re-create the same time better than adequate rest! to you instead of going to see them, and have recommended by situation and see if baby reacts again. If you others bring your groceries whenever your health feel a particular food is causing your baby Try to take a nap every day, while your possible. care professional. problems, stop eating it for a while. Later, try partner or supportive family members screen What to eat. Many new mothers feel Drinking adequate fluids will help breast a small amount of that food. If your baby visitors and phone calls. “Sleep when the baby discouraged that they are not in the same milk production. Not getting enough liquids doesn’t react, eat more next time. sleeps” is some of the best advice ever given. shape as before their pregnancy. You will lose will negatively affect your milk supply. Make Try to keep your life simple and accept all If your baby seems very fussy, try keeping a offers of help. If friends or family volunteer to some weight right after delivery, but probably a practice of keeping a glass of water or record of what you eat and drink. Discuss this bring you meals, do some household chores, have some left to lose. During the first months other nutritious beverage nearby and with your health care professional to shop for groceries, or care for your other of breastfeeding, some of the “fat stores” that drinking enough to prevent becoming determine if there is an association between children, say “Yes!” You will rest more easily appeared during pregnancy will provide thirsty. Never ignore your thirst. All healthy certain foods and your baby’s symptoms. knowing that these things are being done. energy to support your body as you make milk adults are encouraged to drink 6–8 glasses of Medicines and other substances. for your baby. Therefore, breastfeeding can water per day. If, despite your attempts to rest, you feel actually help you return to the weight you If you need to take medicine or an herbal tired and overwhelmed, reach out to others were before pregnancy, if your food choices supplement for any reason, even an over- for help; don’t keep it to yourself. Try talking are nutritious and the amounts are not the-counter one, check with your health care to your partner, a family member, a excessive. professional to make sure it is all right. If it supportive friend, your childbirth class Drinking extra fluids will turns out that you have been prescribed a instructor, your health care professional, or a Breastfeeding requires the same healthy diet help increase breast milk medicine that may be harmful to your baby, lactation consultant. Sometimes just a phone that is recommended for pregnancy, and production there may be another choice that will work call can help a lot. your body probably will tell you to eat and just as well and allow you to continue to drink often. Many women find that they breastfeed. Make sure the health care Your activities. During the first few need snacks between meals because they get professional who prescribed the medicine weeks after your baby’s birth, you will feel very hungry. It is also common for some knows you are breastfeeding, especially if your energy level slowly returning to normal. women to have a poor appetite for a few days you are expressing milk to feed a premature If you had a surgical delivery (cesarean), it or even weeks after a baby is born. Eating baby. will probably take longer for you to feel like small, frequent meals may help you to eat a 28 29

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