• Your baby should breastfeed long enough • If your baby doesn’t seem interested in • Your baby may not burp after every on each breast to get a good flow of milk taking your second breast, offer it first feeding. Even though most breastfed babies and to be satisfied. Allow them to tell you at the next feeding. don’t take in much air while they are when a feeding is over; don’t watch the breastfeeding, it is still a good idea to try clock. Each feeding is like a full-course BOES YOUR BABY NEED EXTRA FLUIDS? burping your baby after they have finished meal. When your baby first breastfeeds No. Unless there is a medical reason for your feeding from the first breast and again after they get a large amount of watery milk. As baby to receive a supplement, they should get the second. If they do not burp after a few baby continues to breastfeed, the fat no other fluids than breast milk. Otherwise, minutes, either continue the feeding or put content of the milk increases until they get just when you are trying to get off to a good baby down to sleep, whichever is to the rich, high-fat milk called hindmilk. start, baby will not go to the breast often appropriate. You will quickly learn your When your baby has had enough of this, enough because their tummy will be full of baby’s needs they will stop feeding, either going to sleep extra fluids. During the first 3 or 4 weeks of and patterns. at the breast or letting go of the nipple and breastfeeding, do not offer water or infant • Your baby may spit up colostrum or milk. It looking very satisfied. Some babies only formula to your baby unless it is necessary or usually looks like a much larger amount nurse on one side per feeding, and that recommended by your pediatrician. than it actually is, so don’t be alarmed. If Figure 11. Breaking the suction. is totally normal. you are concerned about it, speak to their • Try for a burp and offer the second breast Experts recommend that all breastfed health care professional. for as long as baby wants infants begin a vitamin D supplement within • Occasionally, you may need to take your a few days of birth. Vitamin D is necessary CHANGING BREASTS baby off the breast before they are ready to for strong, healthy bones. Check with your • It is ideal to offer both breasts at come off by themselves. Insert a finger into doctor for specific guidelines for your infant. each feeding. But it is even more important baby’s mouth between the gums, far back to to make sure that your baby has enough break the suction, and remove your nipple BURPING YOUR BABY time to finish at from baby’s mouth (see Figure 11). Try burping your baby when you change the first breast before switching sides. breasts and again when the feeding is This is because the fat content of the complete to help remove swallowed air. milk increases the longer the baby breastfeeds. • Hold your baby upright against your • Your baby may be full after finishing the shoulder or lay them across your lap or first breast and refuse the second. If so, stomach, face down. Also, you may begin with that breast at the next feeding. sit your baby on your lap, leaning forward The second breast, from which less (or no) against your hand. Support baby’s chin (see milk was taken at the last feeding, will Figure 10). probably feel fuller when it’s time to • Pat or rub your baby’s back gently, but breastfeed again. If you forgot which side don’t insist if they don’t burp readily you fed from last time, don’t worry; just Figure 10. Common burping position. feed from the side that feels fuller. 20 21

Breastfeeding Guide - Page 11 Breastfeeding Guide Page 10 Page 12