• I f you intend to freeze your breast milk, do so within 24 hours after it is expressed. Before SPECIAL freezing, chill the milk in the refrigerator. Remember to leave 1” of space in the top of the breastfeeding situations container to allow for the expansion that occurs during freezing. • F reeze your milk in small (2- to 4-ounce) portions that will thaw fairly quickly ALTERNATE FEEDING METHODS If you are unable to feed your baby at the STORING breast, or if they need a supplement for any reason in the very early days, there are other your breast milk ways of feeding apart from using a bottle. 1 Although bottle feeding is the most common GUIDELINES FOR HEALTHY, FULL-TERM INFANTS choice for supplementation, it may interfere PLACE TEMPERATURE TIME LIMIT with breastfeeding, especially in babies 0 hours optimal, up to 4 hours if younger than 4 weeks of age. Room temperature 60–85°F or 16–29°C needed, 6-8 hours acceptable under very clean conditions Even though many babies do fine with a Small hard-sided cooler supplemental bottle, many parents do not with blue ice pack 59°F or 15°C 24 hours realize that there are alternatives. These options include feeding from a cup, a spoon, Refrigerator 39.2 F or ~4°C 4 days optimal, 5 – 8 days under an oral dropper, or a syringe; a device called a very clean conditions “nursing supplementer” can also be used. If Freezer

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