BREASTFEEDING your baby INTRODUCTION Breastfeeding can help protect your baby Breastfeeding is one of nature’s ideal from common early childhood illnesses such systems. Just as mothers are capable of as colds, ear infections, and diarrhea, An important responsibility of new parents is to see nourishing their babies in the womb, most especially during the early weeks and are able to nourish their babies at the breast. months of their life. Your breast milk is that their baby gets nourishment to grow and Breast milk is the ideal food for babies. If you suited to your baby. It changes from hour breastfeed your baby for a short time, to hour and day to day, depending on develop properly. When you breastfeed, you’re part remember, even small amounts of your your baby’s needs, and it’s already at the milk can make a significant contribution right temperature. of the majority of parents who have chosen the to your baby’s health. Breastfeeding also has advantages for you. The benefits of breastfeeding can begin right Many mothers feel that nothing else creates preferred method of feeding babies. The first section after your baby’s birth. A baby put to your a closer bond between themselves and their breast immediately after the experience of babies. Most babies can be quickly calmed of this booklet is intended mainly for parents of being born is comforted by the warmth and and reassured by being put to their mother’s touch of your body. Hearing the familiar beat breast. Breastfeeding may also help your full-term babies. But even if your baby is premature of your heart and the sound of your voice uterus (womb) return to its pre-pregnancy and finding a place to suck will be calming. It size. And studies show that women who or has special medical needs, you can still breastfeed will ease your baby’s introduction to the breastfeed may be less likely to get breast outside world. and cervical cancer. and may find this information helpful. 4 5

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