Causes of Intolerance Symptoms n Medication side effects. • Bolus feeding may be reserved for Many medications in liquid form contain tube feeders who have demonstrated sorbitol, a sugar alcohol, that may cause tolerance to a continuous method diarrhea in some people. of feeding. n Type of formula doesn’t meet your nutrition needs. n Formula is spoiled from contamination n Formula is going in too fast. during preparation, storage or • When you are new to tube feeding, administration. feedings may be started and n Formula is the wrong temperature. advanced at a slow rate. This allows Taking formula out of the refrigerator your gastrointestinal tract to adjust and administering it before it has had to the formula and method of time to rise to room temperature can delivery. Some prescribing health lead to abdominal cramping and other care providers start tube feeding intolerance-related symptoms. at lower volumes or rates and work up to a final volume or rate. Check n Volume of formula is too large. with your health care provider to see what they recommend. Your head should be raised 30 degrees or more while tube feeding. 14

Guide to Adult Tube Feeding at Home  - Page 16 Guide to Adult Tube Feeding at Home Page 15 Page 17