During the visit: n Use your list to check off each item as it is addressed. n Take notes so that you can refer back to them after the visit (Use the Notes section on pages 34-35.). n Be sure to provide history of medical conditions, all prescribed and over-the-counter medications, and supplements. n If you can’t follow something that is said, ask the health care provider to explain it in a way that you can understand. n If the health care provider suggests a treatment that you are unsure of, communicate this and ask what other treatment options might be available. n If you are discussing a problem, ask how long it should take to improve and/or resolve after starting the prescribed treatment. n Ask when and how you should follow up after the visit (phone call, email or office visit). After the visit: n If you do not see results from the treatment within the expected time frame, inform your health care provider as soon as possible. n Don’t hesitate to call the office if you have questions or concerns. n Don’t be afraid to ask your health care provider for a referral when a problem is not resolving or when input from a specialist might be needed. Guide to Adult Tube Feeding | 23

Guide to Adult Tube Feeding at Home  - Page 25 Guide to Adult Tube Feeding at Home Page 24 Page 26