Breastfeeding: Signs Your Baby Is Getting What’s Your Position? Enough Milk There is no one right breastfeeding position. The one Your baby: Stops passing meconium (thick black or dark-green stools) after about 4 days, that is most comfortable and effective is the right and begins to pass yellow, seedy, runny stools 3 or more times a day S one at that feeding. Wets 6–8 diapers and has 2 bowel movements a day ASIC Breastfeeds every 2–3 hours B Breastfeeds for 10 minutes or more and doesn’t cry excessively after feeding Makes a rhythmic sucking sound during feedings THE CRADLE HOLD Good for most moms Nurses at both breasts and babies. If correctly positioned, your baby’s Appears satisfied after feedings body should form a straight line from ear to Consistently gains weight BREASTFEEDING shoulder to hip. THE CLUTCH OR FOOTBALL HOLD Good Signs Your Baby May Not Be for mothers who had a C-section or mothers Latched on Properly with large breasts, flat or inverted nipples, or a strong let-down reflex. It is also helpful for You: babies who prefer to be more upright. Have sore nipples Your baby: Makes clicking or smacking sounds when she sucks LYING DOWN Good for an alternative Comes off of the breast after a few sucks position, especially at night or when sitting Falls asleep after just a couple of minutes of nursing is uncomfortable. Dimples her cheeks with each suck Has too few wet diapers Remains fussy and discontent after eating For more breastfeeding positions, visit If your nipples are sore, you should contact your healthcare professional. 6 77

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